data & statistics
Peer-reviewed Scientists report increases in Earth warming must stay below 1.5 degrees Centigrade (1.5 degrees Farenheit) by quickly transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy. Emissions must be reduced by half within this decade. While we are now well over 400 parts per million (ppm) of C02 in the atmosphere, projects "we need to get below 350 ppm" to tackle the climate crisis. As of August 19, 2022, we are at 417.4 ppm.
Government response is not enough...the private sector needs immediate and vigorous involvement in a war-like initiative with public-private partnerships and equity efforts. That approach will create a myriad of economic opportunities which create jobs throughout the Florida and national economy.
The featured resources on this page help you chart where we are at now and shows the key role Florida can play, with true sequestration efforts, in our battle against this dangerous greenhouse gas.
The first resource below is from and it's C02 Tracker.
Visit NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory (Earth System Research Laboratories for in-depth U.S. Government data, including: Carbon Tracker CT2019B, The Global C02 Budget, C02 Sources and Sinks Over North America; The Carbon Tracker Observing System; Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network, and other key tools.
Visit for an additional key resource, including how many metric tons of C02 are released each second due to burning fossil fuels.
NASA visualization of Earth's Global Average Surface Temperature in Celsius from 1880 to 2021. Courtesy